In an effort to cut costs in the area of food, I have been exploring some different techniques to accomplish this. In same cases, my frugal choices are also provide us with health benefits as well. Here are a few of my recent frugal choices:
1. Made my own spaghetti sauce. Prior to doing this, I had tried only one other time to make my sauce. It was not enjoyable. I cooked it in a pan that was too small, so it kept bubbling up and boiling over, and I actually burned myself. Plus, I didn't really even like the sauce. I found this recipe and decided to give it a go. It was a success. I'm not sure exactly how much I saved, but it tasted better and was more healthy for sure!
2. Using less meat than what the recipe directs. Last night I made a beef and broccoli stir fry, and I only used half of the beef that the recipe called for. I filled it up by actually doubling the broccoli. It was so yummy! And more veggies and less beef is always a more healthy choice!
3. Finding other ingredients to reduce. One of my favorite recipes is for a chicken pot pie. The recipe directs you to make it in a traditional pie manner. When I made it recently, I decided to follow my MIL's example of making pot pie and put it in a casserole dish. Doing it this way, I didn't put a bottom crust in the pan and just put one crust on the top. Since I had purchased a 2-pak of pre-made crusts (I may start making my own eventually), I still have a crust for the next time I make pot pie. Best of all, my husband said he liked it better with only one crust.
I have also saved money by stocking up on meat that has been at a reduced price. You can read about that here and here.
Be sure to visit Biblical Womanhood for Frugal Friday!
Your pot pie idea is great. I bet that would cut out extra calories!
Good tips. I think the best one is the use less meat one. Meat is expensive and I find that if I use the amount called for in a recipe, we'll be eating it for days and days!
The background photo of your blog is beautiful! Thank you for the link to the sauce recipe, I plan to try making my own this month too.
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