For the past couple of months, I have been doing everything I can to think of ideas to help reduce our variable bills (groceries, water, electric, etc). We have finally put one in place that I am hoping will make a differenc in our electric bill.

My wonderful husband helped me fashion a clothesline between the trees in our backyard this week. It was quite simple actually. We had some scrap lumber, and he just cut two pieces, screwed them into our trees and stretched the line across. So far, I have dried my floor rugs and some bedding out there. I am looking forward to seeing a difference in our electric bill. My neighbor has warned me that it might be against our homeowner's association code to have a clothesline, but I figure that I should be safe since I have a privacy fence and no one can see. Plus, I personally feel if that is in the code then it needs to be re-evaluated in light of the recent move to use less energy.
We noticed a $9 difference in our water bill from this month to last. We have only implemented two new washing strategies (which is where I figure the significant majority of our water is used). We only run the dishwasher when it is completely full, and I only run the washing machine on the fullest water setting. We have talked about being more conscientious of how long we spend in the shower, but haven't become aggressive in watching that area yet.
Frugal Friday is sponspored by
Biblical Womanhood.